Saturday, December 24, 2011

Unique explanatory advantages of book "Starting Science From God"

  • Presentation of a science of theism in a realistic manner with explanatory and predictive power.
  • Non-metaphorical and non-mythical understanding of theism
  • Philosophical account of 'substance' in terms of persistent underlying propensities
  • Recognition and many examples of 'multiple generative levels' in physics and psychology.
  • Presentation of the basis of theism as the consequence of One God existing who is being itself & unselfish-love itself & wisdom itself.
  • Principles in more detail:
    1. God is love which is unselfish and cannot love only itself.
    2. God is wisdom as well as love and thereby also power and action.
    3. God is life itself: the source of all dispositions to will, think and act.
    4. Everything in the world is a kind of image of God: minds and also natural objects.
    5. The dispositions of an object are those derivatives of divine power that accord with what is actual about that object.
  • Describes an honest, welcoming and living theism
  • No reductionist or 'nothing but' explanations of God, spirituality or mentality.
  • Prediction that minds exist with spiritual loves, mental thoughts and physical actions within an integrated complex.
  • Prediction of internal structure of minds: thoughts of love, of thought and of action.
  • Prediction of internal structure of physical degrees: principles of effects (pregeometric physics), propagation of effects (field  theories), and of final affects (quantum mechanics leading to actual selections)
  • Prediction of relations between the mental and the physical
  • Prediction of relations between the divine and the spiritual+mental: that we receive life according to those actions our loves have made in the past.
  • Prediction of spiritual degrees not in terms of expansion/ elevation/ vibration/ dimensions/ nondualism of consciousness, but in terms of principal loves.
  • Why progressive evolution of physical forms is necessary to make living & thinking beings like humans.
  • Gradual biological, psychological and spiritual build-up is necessary in general, as there are no instant adults.
  • That evolutionary fitness must be selected not only naturally, but also theistically according to reception of life from the divine.
  • The consciousness is the joint action of love and wisdom. It is not itself causal, but is theoperation of spiritual and mental causality.
  • That permanent spiritual growth depends on those actions our loves have made with wisdom/faith in the past.
  • That some formal modeling is possible within this scientific theism.

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